Bordeaux Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
November 25-26, 2014
Overview ↑
Bordeaux Computational Biology and Bioinformatics days (BCBB) will be organized November, 25 & 26 2014 at LaBRI.Computational biology, in particular bioinformatics, is one of the hottest scientific areas nationally and internationally. It is essential for the conduct of contemporary life sciences research. It emerged from the traditional fields of health informatics, biostatistics, information sciences, computer sciences, mathematics, molecular biology and genetics. It has grown rapidly to keep pace with the enormous amounts of complex data generated by recent high-throughput technologies, in particular sequencing techniques developed for the Human Genome Project, that demand sophisticated data analysis. Computational biology is now both an active area of primary research, and a tool that underpins research in all of the life sciences.
Computational biology at Bordeaux University is so multidisciplinary that it does not fit gracefully into traditional department and college structures. Thus, we aim to develop a transversal structure to foster its growth so that bioinformatics can play the central role demanded today. This workshop aims to kick-start this collaborative structure by focusing on community events and strengthening of scientific ties.
A survey of research activities in Bioinformatics / Computational Biology has identified four scientific topics that constitute the major focus of groups on the Bordeaux campus working in this area. BCBB will be organized based on these topics; namely:
- "Omics" data analysis and data integration
- Computational biology
- Network analysis
- Modeling
Each topic will be presented via a keynote talk from a not Bordeaux-based invited speakers, three Bordeaux-based speakers as well as an open poster sessions.
On wednesday afternoon (26/11) we organise a one hour session "NGS in practice" where we will cover some practical aspects of NGS analysis such as visualisation and exome analysis.
Important dates ↑
- November, 17th : registration deadline (registration will be made available after this deadline but without guarantee of access to lunch meals)
Registration ↑
The registration is free but required for material organization. Please register as soon as possible using this online registration form.
Program ↑
Detailed program, including abstracts, is available in this page
Tuesday 25th November
Morning | Session Data integration - "omics" analysis |
9:00-9:45 | Keynote Talk - Lodewyk Wessels (NKI, Amsterdam) Molecular networks as determinants of response and outcome |
9:45-10:05 | Coffee break |
10:05-10:20 | Sophie Colombié (Network analysis) Modelling fluxes and metabolic network analysis of developing tomato fruits |
10:25-10:40 | Fréderic Chibon (Computational Biology) Title to come ... |
10:45-11:00 | Nicolas Rougier (Modeling) A computational mode of the somato-sensory cortex |
11:00-12:00 | Poster session with coffee |
12:05-14:00 | Repas |
Afternoon | Session Network analysis |
14:00-14:45 | Keynote Talk - Gunnar Klau (CWI, Amsterdam) Finding active subnetwork modules or the Jelly Bean Mining problem |
14:45-15:05 | Coffee break |
15:05-15:20 | Andreas Bikfalvi [LAMC-INSERM U1029] (Data integration) The use of the chick embryon model for "omics studies" |
15:25-15:40 | Thibault Leroy (Computational Biology) Skiing down "Mount Everest of sequencing data" : an illustration with the 1.5Gb oak genome |
15:45-16:00 | Olivier Thoumine (Modeling) Monte Carlo simulations to model protein dynamics in neurons |
16:00-17:00 | Poster session with coffee |
Wednesday 26th November
Morning | Session Modeling |
9:00-9:45 | Keynote Talk - Peter Dominey (Stem-cell and Brain Research Institute, Lyon) Reservoir Computing in Higher Cognitive Functions |
9:45-10:05 | Coffee break |
10:05-10:20 | Rodolphe Thiébaut [ISPED/INSERM U897] (Data integration) Mecanistic models for the assessment of intervention in HIV infection |
10:25-10:40 | Zhanwu Dai (Network analysis) Network analysis for studying the developmental and environmental regulation of grape quality |
10:45-11:00 | Thierry Colin [IMB-INRIA] (Modeling) Patient specific modelling of tumor growth |
11:00-12:00 | Poster session with coffee |
12:05-14:00 | Repas |
Afternoon | Session Computational Biology (NGS) |
14:00-14:45 | Keynote Talk - Hadi Quesneville Evolution et impact des élements transposables chez les Brassicaceae |
14:45-15:05 | Coffee break |
15:05-16:00 | NGS in practice Marion Leleu et Thierry Morel - Présentation-démo de gFeatBrowser (30min) + Alexis Groppi - Exome Analysis (15min) + Discussion (15min) |
16:00-17:00 | Poster session with coffee |
Participants ↑
- Warren Albertin (ISVV)
- Frédéric Alexandre (INRIA/LaBRI/IMN)
- Benoit Arveiler (MRGM (EA4576))
- Marta Avalos (INSERM U897/INRIA SISTM)
- Etienne Baratchart (IMB)
- Aurélien Barre (CBiB)
- Amina Bedrat (IECB-INSERM)
- Sébastien Benzekry (INRIA)
- Andreas Bikfalvi (INSERM U1029/LAMC)
- Guillaume Blin (LaBRI)
- Henri Bonnabau (ISPED)
- Florian Caro (INRIA)
- Maxime Carrere (LaBRI)
- Fred Chibon (U916-Institut Bergonié)
- Damien Chimits (INSERM U897/INRIA SISTM)
- Ikram Chraibi Kaadoud ()
- Olivier Claisse (ISSV Oenologie)
- Thierry Colin (INRIA/IMB)
- Sophie Colombié (UMR1332 INRA Bordeaux)
- Sandy Contreras (INRA/UMR BFP/Virology)
- Sarah Cookson (UMR 1287 EGFV)
- Zhanwu Dai (UMR 1287 EGFV)
- Benjamin Dartigues (CBiB)
- Serge Delrot (ISVV UMR 1287 - EGFV)
- Pascal Durrens (LaBRI)
- Isabelle Dutour (LaBRI)
- Julie Déchanet-Merville (CNRS UMR 5164/CIRID)
- François Ehrenmann (Equipe Génomique Fonctionnelle - UMR INRA BioGeco)
- Olivier Gallinato (IMB)
- Virginie Garcia (UMR BFP/INRA)
- Robin Genuer (ISPED/INRIA)
- Yves Gibon (INRA)
- Boris Hejblum (ISPED)
- Charlotte Herice (IMN/INRIA)
- Mark Hooks (UMR 1332 - BFP)
- Katarzyna Hooks (INSERM U1053)
- Richard Iggo (Institut Bergonié)
- Sébastien Incerti (CENBG)
- Razanne Issa (LaBRI)
- Ana Jarne Munoz (ISPED (INSERM U897))
- Julien Jouganous (IMB (équipe MC2))
- Mathieu Karamitros (CENBG)
- Yec'han Laizet (Institut Bergonié)
- Loïck Le Dantec (INRA/Equipe A3C UMR BFP)
- Guillaume Lefebvre (IMB)
- Thibault Leroy (EGF Team, UMR BioGeCo)
- Isabelle Lesur Kupin (BIOGECO)
- Alain Marchand (INCIA UMR5287)
- Beurton-Aimar Marie (LaBRI)
- Marie Martin (IMB)
- Philippe Marullo (ISVV EA oenologie)
- Jean-Pierre Mazat (IBGC-CNRS)
- Thomas Michel (IMB)
- Tung Nguyen Vu Ngoc (LaBRI)
- Macha Nikolski (LaBRI/CBiB)
- Klaus Petry (INSERM U1049)
- Marie-Quitterie Picat (INSERM U897/INRIA SISTM)
- Clair Poignard (INRIA)
- Christophe Ranger (Explora Nova)
- Laura Richert (INSERM U897/INRIA SISTM)
- Nicolas Rougier (INRIA)
- Justine Rudewicz (CBiB/LaBRI)
- Muralidharan Sargurupremraj (Neuroepidemiology - INSERM U708)
- Olivier Saut (IMB)
- Louise-Amélie Schmitt (LaBRI)
- Emeric Sevin (CBiB)
- Pascal Sirand-Pugnet (UMR1332)
- Perrine Soret (INSERM U897/INRIA SISTM)
- Hayssam Soueidan (CBIB)
- Sebastien Theil (INRA-BFP)
- Rodolphe Thiebaut (ISPED/INSERM U897)
- Meropi Topalidou (INRIA (mnemosyne))
- Kevin Tran (Institut Bergonié)
- Raluca Uricaru (LaBRI)
- Ioannis Valavanis (MEBP-NHRF,Greece)
- Antoine Vekris (Inserm U1049)
- Anna Zhukova (LaBRI)
- ... (list manually updated)
Localisation ↑
The workshop will take place at LaBRI - 351, cours de la Libération F-33405 Talence cedexThe LaBRI is situated in the "A30" building in the middle of the Science Campus of the University Bordeaux, on the right just after the duck pond. The entrance is at the farthest corner, at the northern extremity of the building.
By tram, take the tram B and get off at Peixotto.
Supported by ↑

Organizing committee ↑
- Frédéric Alexandre
- Andreas Bikfalvi
- Guillaume Blin
- Thierry Colin
- Yves Gibon
- Sébastien Incerti
- Macha Nikolski
- Klaus Petry
- Rodolphe Thiebaut
- Raluca Uricaru
We would like to thanks all the LaBRI Administrative Staff for their organizational support and particularly

- Brigitte Cudeville
- Auriane Dantes
- Isabelle Garcia
- Audrey Lagaillarde